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We are starting a monthly Sangha (pronounced sanga) group for prayer and potluck at members’ homes. It is similar to a Mastermind group. Sign up at the Next Desk. Facilitator is Tyna Rosewood.

What is a Sangha?

The term sangha comes from the Buddhist notion of a “community in spiritual practice together.”

It is used to describe an intimate group focused on a collective spiritual practice of prayer (guided affirmations/meditations) and mutual support. In our Sangha, we listen, accept, empower, support, and lift each other up to be the best that we can be! Sangha begins their meeting with a potluck and then their prayer meetings. Typically, it has 4-6 members, meeting once a month, taking turns at the homes of the members. Details are decided by the sangha.

A Sangha provides the synergy of group spiritual practice in a sacred container – one that is created, deepened, and richly experienced, together, over time. The discipline of regular communal practice strengthens and evolves our spiritual growth and understanding while increasing our connection with Spirit and each other. Your Sangha becomes the community to which you turn in times of need for support or for celebrating answered prayers. Our Sangha provides that place where we feel safe enough to share, and we do so deeply and honestly. This kind of community is one in which we feel empowered to be who we are and explore who we are becoming while getting support along the way. It is a community in which we know that the Truth of ourselves and others is greater than our history and habits.