Looking for a positive, fun-loving place to worship, learn, play and celebrate?
You’ll find inspirational Sunday Services at Unity of Dallas, plus classes, workshops and opportunities to join with like-minded fellow travelers on your spiritual journey.
Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose their own spiritual path.
To support you on your spiritual journey, Unity of Dallas offers community, acceptance, and fresh ways of seeing your journey of a lifetime.
We invite you to join us. We celebrate, honor and affirm you just the way you are.
God is the one power, all good, everywhere present, all wisdom. God is divine energy, continually creating, expressing and sustaining all creation.
In God, we live and move and have our being. In Unity, some other ways we speak of God are Life, Light, Love, Substance, Principle, Law and Universal Mind.
Our essential nature is divine and therefore inherently good. Our purpose is to express our divine potential as realized and demonstrated by Jesus and other master teachers. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives.
We see Jesus as a master teacher of universal truths and as our Way Shower. In Unity, we use the term Christ to mean the divinity in humankind. Jesus is the great example of the Christ in expression.
In addition, Unity recognizes that the Bible is a complex collection of writings compiled over many centuries. We honor the writings as reflecting the understanding and inspiration of the writers at the time they were written. The Bible continues to be a valuable spiritual resource for us.
It includes the release of counterproductive, negative thoughts, as well as holding in mind statements of spiritual truth. Through meditation, we experience the presence of God. Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness and thereby transform our lives.
We are a vibrant spiritual community reaching inward for truth and taking action towards education, compassionate service, and expansion of awareness.
Celebrating a world healed through spiritual awakening and connection!
As a SPIRIT-LED community, we release our personal will and turn within for guidance to nurture and manifest the qualities that lead to spiritual maturity.
INCLUSIVITY: We acknowledge that we are one and all are welcome in this community, wherever they may be on their spiritual path or whatever their religious backgrounds. We welcome all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, classes and abilities.
INTEGRITY: Our outward behavior is a reflection of our inner beliefs. In thoughts, words, and deeds, we demonstrate our highest good for ourselves and others.
ABUNDANCE: We know that we can draw from an infinite Source to live our fullest.
TRANSFORMATION: We are committed to personal and collective spiritual evolution toward the highest good for ourselves and the world.