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LOVE BEARS ALL is BACK for our 31st Year!

Our annual toy drive starts NOW to benefit local children through The Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. 

Bears, bunnies, puppies – any NEW plush toy with tags on them can be donated. (The toys have to be new to protect children who may have open wounds.)

We ask you to bless them and infuse them with healing prayers. 

In honor of more than 31 Years of this amazing event to help local children, we’re asking for online donations of $31. (Donations of any size are gratefully accepted) 

All online donations will be eligible to win the giant "Love Bear".

Donate an animal as an individual or get a group together to donate a bunch of toys (Divine Sisters, Unity Choir, Book Study, Explorers, etc.). We would love a group picture to share in eNews and other places. (Email photo to

YOU can donate in multiple ways:

  1. DROP OFF: In person in the Sanctuary, when you attend the 11 am Sunday Service, last Sunday, March 2.
  2. LOVE OFFERING:  CLICK HERE and the Community Outreach Committee will purchase plush animals.  Online donations need to be in by 5 pm on Friday, February 28. 
  3. SHOP and SHIP: Order online and have them shipped to Unity of Dallas.  Remember if you use Amazon, a portion will come back to Unity. Just go to our website first and select Amazon, then shop like normal on their website.

Unity of Dallas
Attn: Love Bears All
6525 Forest Ln.
Dallas, TX 75230

The Dallas Children's Advocacy Center coordinates the investigation, prosecution and healing services for the most severe cases of child abuse in Dallas County - those at the level of a criminal offense. Each year DCAC helps over 8,000 children and non-offending family members who have been the victims of criminal child abuse. By partnering with local law enforcement, Child Protective Services, and medical and mental health providers, DCAC is able to streamline the investigation process and provide healing, hope and justice to children across Dallas County.

Make a difference in a child’s life – having a new friend to hold onto during a traumatic event is such a comfort. 

Share the LOVE.
