Quite often it felt like a lifetime
That I spent searching for true friends
Looking for those perfect human beings
That were the ideal blend
Of course little did I know
That I had to love myself
Much less trying to gain the respect
Of God and anyone else
Finally I opened my heart and soul
And allowed my flaws to be seen
Instead of standing in the corner
And never truly being part of the scene
Now it seems to be unbelievable
That I’m surrounded by the very best
People who without fail
Will always pass the friendship test
Different and interesting
Always one-of-a-kind
Folks who I can always depend on
To share their truth and state-of-mind
They are the daily gifts
Who make me feel like a wealthy man
A reason to proudly boast
As I fulfill my dream-like plan
And as my life rolls along
Yet more of these treasures seem to appear
Making my existence and gratefulness
Feel even more delicious and dear
So no matter the material goods that I have collected
You are what I have searched for all along
Yes you are the most precious of the precious
Making my heart want to sing a song
Stephen Daingerfield Dunn
author of: Divinely Different – a Tribute to Santa Fe, A Day in the Life of a Raindrop, Bug Dreams, A Little Boy from Nowhere Texas, Christmas with Mr. Dunn, In God‘s Eyes, Can You Possibly Imagine, Designing with Mr. Dunn, The Book of Doe, Animals Anonymous #unity #unitydallas #unityofdallas #thedailyword #meditation #spiritualeducation #dallas #dfw #dallastexas #dallastx #Synergy2023 #spiritualcenter #StephenDaingerfieldDunn #poem #connection #poemsofhope Connections through sharing words of the heart.