Spiritual Action

In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal example and active service in our churches, our communities and our world. 

Social Action

Together we are stronger. Your generosity can take many forms, including sharing your time with others. Working within our communities brings us together. Sacred Service Members are the lifeblood of our church and we can always use a helping hand. 

What Is Your NEXT Step?
Are you called to serve? We are all ministers in one way or other!

Sacred Service is one way to minister to others and here at Unity of Dallas, we love and appreciate our fabulous helpers.   

If you are interested in one of the following opportunities, simply fill out the form BELOW or email NEXT@unitydallas.org

Currently, we need volunteers for:

• Safety Team

• Liaison with North Dallas Shared Ministries

• Finance Committee

• Audio Visual Team

Take the next step... 

Sacred Service Opportunities

Some things we may need help with are:

Administration: Accounting/Finance Committee, Event Monitors, Classroom Assistants, Welcoming New Guests Ambassadors, Front-door and Event Greeters, Respond to Volunteer Inquiries, Church Archivist

Youth and Family: Nursery and Children’s Church Helpers, Sponsors for UNIteens, Youth in Unity (YOU)

Grounds and Facilities: Safety Team, Sunday Morning Foyer and Sanctuary Preparation, Support Team (assistance with one-time event set-up), Window Cleaners, Painters, Lawn & Tree Care, Sprinkler System, Pest Control, Landscaping, Indoor Plant Watering, Quarterly Church-wide Cleanup

Trades: Licensed electricians, plumbers, HVAC

Bookstore: Cashiers and general support

Marketing: Graphic Design, Event Marketing 

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